About Our School

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The mission of St. Philip Catholic School is to empower students to attain their full potential as faith-filled Catholics and knowledgeable students who will become responsible stewards of our world.

RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: The religion program at St. Philip Catholic School is central to the school’s curriculum. Our goal is to lead students to a fuller Christian lifestyle. In addition to the instructional program, the school provides assistance sacramental preparation of First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion and the opportunity to attend liturgies, prayer services, and penance services.

It is our belief that without regular weekend worship, the effectiveness of the religious education program is greatly diminished. Therefore, families are urged to worship together on weekends.

Religious education goes beyond the mere addition of religion classes. It attempts to create an atmosphere: a community in which personal beliefs and values are transferred and become the basis for living.

PHILOSOPHY: St. Philip Catholic School is a part of the teaching mission of St. Philip Parish. Recognizing the parents as primary educators of their children, the pastor, principal, teachers, staff, and parents work cooperatively to guide the children in the teachings of Jesus, specifically in the areas of message, community, service, peace and justice. This is the mission of His Son, Jesus.

Acknowledging that each child is an individual, St. Philip Catholic School concerns itself with the development of the total child: physical, spiritual, moral, intellectual, emotional, social, and aesthetic. A highly qualified professional staff shares talents and skills in order to provide a sound program for the students. A variety of methods, materials, and equipment are used to prepare the students to deal successfully with their own immediate and long-range needs.

This development includes learning Catholic doctrine, values, and attitudes which will prepare our children to live Christian and moral lives in a secular world. St. Philip Catholic School directs each student toward the realization of his/her full potential and the development of his/her relationship to God, self, family, and neighbor.

Admission Policy and School Organization (pdf format)

For more information, contact Mrs. Megan Howington, Principal, at 985-2447.

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